Database Analysis and Information Mapping.

Matheo Analyzer
  • Matheo Analyzer is a flexible and an easy-to-use software which permits to explore efficiently important volumes of data and converting them into strategic information.


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Matheo Analyzer is a decision making software which permits to get a dashboard, information maps, syntheses and indicators generated from large sets of information.


Usually, it is used by experts and analysts on patents and scientific papers to make maps on main players and technologies, detect trends, assure a scientific, strategic, commercial and competitiveness monitoring.


Matheo Analyzer works from a set of structured information which come from large specialized bases (free such as some patent databases or PubMed, or commercial through providers such like Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, ...) or from company homemade databases.




Analyzes realized by Matheo Analyzer bring key elements in activities such as :

  • Competitor technology positioning
  • Innovation and investment policies
  • Research evaluation
  • Technologic trends
  • Patent portfolio analysis
  • R&D and research team detection
  • Technology, Patent and Competitiveness Monitoring

It is a necessary tool for professionals working in field which information production to analyze is important and want to benefit from a clear and reliable knowledge of these information.


Information Security

  • Storing

With Matheo Analyzer, your data are stored on your PC, they are not on the Internet browser on which you can't control the security.

  • Confidentiality

Your research (questions and results) never transit by an extern provider. You keep the command of your information.

  • Matheo Software never accesses to its clients data and requests

Information Importation

  • Importation assistant

Matheo Analyzer permits every structured files importation (bibliographic format, CSV files, …) which come from public or private databases (Esp@cenet, PubMed, Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, …) thanks to a simple and performing assistant which offers defines the type of files and fields to be imported.


  • Possibilities to use importation pre-established rules

Concerning files importation from only one data source, Matheo Analyzer proposes you to use importation pre-established rules which permit you to simplify the step of data importation.

(More information >)


  • Information fine extraction

With Matheo Analyzer you can easily extract particularly relevant information, from a multi-criteria or multi-information field.

Example: selection of the country in field dedicated to the address.


  • Patents Importation from Esp@ceNet via Matheo Patent

Matheo Analyzer permits simple and fast importation of all exportation files from Matheo Patent software.


Data Preparation

  • Subset data creation

Matheo Analyzer permits creation of subsets thanks to information selection tools in order to realize accurate analyses on subset data.

Example: Subset per Country, City, Technology, …


  • Automatic cleaning and imported data correction

Matheo Analyzer permits to standardize data thanks to the use of correspondence tables and data search, selection and modification tools


  • Concept extraction

Matheo Analyzer offers tools which permit free word processing (titles, summaries, …) via automatic extraction of concepts and keywords present in the data.


Graphic representations, information mapping

Maps, analyses and indicators are based on graphic representations sets which permit synthesis, visual analyses and information mapping. Those graphic representations create high added-value information on which company decisions will be inspired on.


Matheo Analyzer offers three types of graphic representations :

  • Histograms (horizontal, vertical, pie charts)
  • Double-entry matrix
  • Relationship networks

Those representations fit one or several criteria in the same time such as technologies, dates, companies, authors, ...


This is possible to integrate an extra parameter in the representation via the insertion of blocking elements (a technology, a company, ...)



Matheo Analyzer offers several automatic clustering methods in order to be able to create information subsets quickly and easily.


Clustering permits to get quickly a dynamic classification of data important volumes.


Matheo Analyzer permits the easy and rapid creation of clusters by selection of only few parameters. You only have to choose the field to use as reference and select the definitive number of clusters to create.

Matheo Analyzer also permits subset creation for clusters integrating an important volume of data.


Matheo Analyzer offers different methods of clustering :

  • K-Means++
  • By propagation
  • By dendrogram

Matheo Analyzer offers MyAnalyzer, a customizable dashboard which permits to display and configure the most significant analyses.




From version 4.0 Matheo Analyzer possesses a configurable interface.


This interface leads to the current project information :

  • Number of documents
  • Type of documents and number of imported fields
  • Number of created field by the user
  • Detail of the fields contents

A setup menu offers all possible analyses based on the imported information.

The user can integrate analyses to the dashboard by selecting the analysis in a simple menu.


Each analysis contents remain configurable through this interface.


The dashboard also has a full text search engine on the imported information full text.


Scientific papers Analysis

Database source: PubMed (Medical Publishing)

Research topic: ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) année 2008

Analysis topic: main players of the field and field linked to ACL

Analyzed documents: 3099 scientific papers


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • The main countries about this topic
  • The most important authors of the field
  • The main research fields associated to the ACL
  • The major scientific journals in this field
  • The main research teams in this field (network of the main authors)


Patent analysis

Database sources: Espacenet (through a Matheo Patent export)

Research topic: Airbags

Analysis topic: which deposits on this topic, deposits strategy differentiation

Analyzed documents: 461 patents


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • Patent application evolution per year
  • Main Applicants
  • Main technologies analyses (international patent classification – IPC)
  • Applicants technological strategy map (matrix Applicants / IPC)
  • Technologies trends (matrix IPC / publication date)

In a more complete version, those two studies are available downloading Matheo Analyzer trial version.




My Analyzer



Matheo Analyzer Interface



Pairs Representation





Matheo Analyzer is a decision making software which permits to get a dashboard, information maps, syntheses and indicators generated from large sets of information.


Usually, it is used by experts and analysts on patents and scientific papers to make maps on main players and technologies, detect trends, assure a scientific, strategic, commercial and competitiveness monitoring.


Matheo Analyzer works from a set of structured information which come from large specialized bases (free such as some patent databases or PubMed, or commercial through providers such like Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, ...) or from company homemade databases.




Analyzes realized by Matheo Analyzer bring key elements in activities such as :

  • Competitor technology positioning
  • Innovation and investment policies
  • Research evaluation
  • Technologic trends
  • Patent portfolio analysis
  • R&D and research team detection
  • Technology, Patent and Competitiveness Monitoring

It is a necessary tool for professionals working in field which information production to analyze is important and want to benefit from a clear and reliable knowledge of these information.


Information Security

  • Storing

With Matheo Analyzer, your data are stored on your PC, they are not on the Internet browser on which you can't control the security.

  • Confidentiality

Your research (questions and results) never transit by an extern provider. You keep the command of your information.

  • Matheo Software never accesses to its clients data and requests

Information Importation

  • Importation assistant

Matheo Analyzer permits every structured files importation (bibliographic format, CSV files, …) which come from public or private databases (Esp@cenet, PubMed, Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, …) thanks to a simple and performing assistant which offers defines the type of files and fields to be imported.


  • Possibilities to use importation pre-established rules

Concerning files importation from only one data source, Matheo Analyzer proposes you to use importation pre-established rules which permit you to simplify the step of data importation.

(More information >)


  • Information fine extraction

With Matheo Analyzer you can easily extract particularly relevant information, from a multi-criteria or multi-information field.

Example: selection of the country in field dedicated to the address.


  • Patents Importation from Esp@ceNet via Matheo Patent

Matheo Analyzer permits simple and fast importation of all exportation files from Matheo Patent software.


Data Preparation

  • Subset data creation

Matheo Analyzer permits creation of subsets thanks to information selection tools in order to realize accurate analyses on subset data.

Example: Subset per Country, City, Technology, …


  • Automatic cleaning and imported data correction

Matheo Analyzer permits to standardize data thanks to the use of correspondence tables and data search, selection and modification tools


  • Concept extraction

Matheo Analyzer offers tools which permit free word processing (titles, summaries, …) via automatic extraction of concepts and keywords present in the data.


Graphic representations, information mapping

Maps, analyses and indicators are based on graphic representations sets which permit synthesis, visual analyses and information mapping. Those graphic representations create high added-value information on which company decisions will be inspired on.


Matheo Analyzer offers three types of graphic representations :

  • Histograms (horizontal, vertical, pie charts)
  • Double-entry matrix
  • Relationship networks

Those representations fit one or several criteria in the same time such as technologies, dates, companies, authors, ...


This is possible to integrate an extra parameter in the representation via the insertion of blocking elements (a technology, a company, ...)



Matheo Analyzer offers several automatic clustering methods in order to be able to create information subsets quickly and easily.


Clustering permits to get quickly a dynamic classification of data important volumes.


Matheo Analyzer permits the easy and rapid creation of clusters by selection of only few parameters. You only have to choose the field to use as reference and select the definitive number of clusters to create.

Matheo Analyzer also permits subset creation for clusters integrating an important volume of data.


Matheo Analyzer offers different methods of clustering :

  • K-Means++
  • By propagation
  • By dendrogram

Matheo Analyzer offers MyAnalyzer, a customizable dashboard which permits to display and configure the most significant analyses.




From version 4.0 Matheo Analyzer possesses a configurable interface.


This interface leads to the current project information :

  • Number of documents
  • Type of documents and number of imported fields
  • Number of created field by the user
  • Detail of the fields contents

A setup menu offers all possible analyses based on the imported information.

The user can integrate analyses to the dashboard by selecting the analysis in a simple menu.


Each analysis contents remain configurable through this interface.


The dashboard also has a full text search engine on the imported information full text.


Scientific papers Analysis

Database source: PubMed (Medical Publishing)

Research topic: ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) année 2008

Analysis topic: main players of the field and field linked to ACL

Analyzed documents: 3099 scientific papers


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • The main countries about this topic
  • The most important authors of the field
  • The main research fields associated to the ACL
  • The major scientific journals in this field
  • The main research teams in this field (network of the main authors)


Patent analysis

Database sources: Espacenet (through a Matheo Patent export)

Research topic: Airbags

Analysis topic: which deposits on this topic, deposits strategy differentiation

Analyzed documents: 461 patents


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • Patent application evolution per year
  • Main Applicants
  • Main technologies analyses (international patent classification – IPC)
  • Applicants technological strategy map (matrix Applicants / IPC)
  • Technologies trends (matrix IPC / publication date)

In a more complete version, those two studies are available downloading Matheo Analyzer trial version.




My Analyzer



Matheo Analyzer Interface



Pairs Representation





Matheo Analyzer is a decision making software which permits to get a dashboard, information maps, syntheses and indicators generated from large sets of information.


Usually, it is used by experts and analysts on patents and scientific papers to make maps on main players and technologies, detect trends, assure a scientific, strategic, commercial and competitiveness monitoring.


Matheo Analyzer works from a set of structured information which come from large specialized bases (free such as some patent databases or PubMed, or commercial through providers such like Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, ...) or from company homemade databases.




Analyzes realized by Matheo Analyzer bring key elements in activities such as :

  • Competitor technology positioning
  • Innovation and investment policies
  • Research evaluation
  • Technologic trends
  • Patent portfolio analysis
  • R&D and research team detection
  • Technology, Patent and Competitiveness Monitoring

It is a necessary tool for professionals working in field which information production to analyze is important and want to benefit from a clear and reliable knowledge of these information.


Information Security

  • Storing

With Matheo Analyzer, your data are stored on your PC, they are not on the Internet browser on which you can't control the security.

  • Confidentiality

Your research (questions and results) never transit by an extern provider. You keep the command of your information.

  • Matheo Software never accesses to its clients data and requests

Information Importation

  • Importation assistant

Matheo Analyzer permits every structured files importation (bibliographic format, CSV files, …) which come from public or private databases (Esp@cenet, PubMed, Questel-Orbit, Dialog, STN, …) thanks to a simple and performing assistant which offers defines the type of files and fields to be imported.


  • Possibilities to use importation pre-established rules

Concerning files importation from only one data source, Matheo Analyzer proposes you to use importation pre-established rules which permit you to simplify the step of data importation.

(More information >)


  • Information fine extraction

With Matheo Analyzer you can easily extract particularly relevant information, from a multi-criteria or multi-information field.

Example: selection of the country in field dedicated to the address.


  • Patents Importation from Esp@ceNet via Matheo Patent

Matheo Analyzer permits simple and fast importation of all exportation files from Matheo Patent software.


Data Preparation

  • Subset data creation

Matheo Analyzer permits creation of subsets thanks to information selection tools in order to realize accurate analyses on subset data.

Example: Subset per Country, City, Technology, …


  • Automatic cleaning and imported data correction

Matheo Analyzer permits to standardize data thanks to the use of correspondence tables and data search, selection and modification tools


  • Concept extraction

Matheo Analyzer offers tools which permit free word processing (titles, summaries, …) via automatic extraction of concepts and keywords present in the data.


Graphic representations, information mapping

Maps, analyses and indicators are based on graphic representations sets which permit synthesis, visual analyses and information mapping. Those graphic representations create high added-value information on which company decisions will be inspired on.


Matheo Analyzer offers three types of graphic representations :

  • Histograms (horizontal, vertical, pie charts)
  • Double-entry matrix
  • Relationship networks

Those representations fit one or several criteria in the same time such as technologies, dates, companies, authors, ...


This is possible to integrate an extra parameter in the representation via the insertion of blocking elements (a technology, a company, ...)



Matheo Analyzer offers several automatic clustering methods in order to be able to create information subsets quickly and easily.


Clustering permits to get quickly a dynamic classification of data important volumes.


Matheo Analyzer permits the easy and rapid creation of clusters by selection of only few parameters. You only have to choose the field to use as reference and select the definitive number of clusters to create.

Matheo Analyzer also permits subset creation for clusters integrating an important volume of data.


Matheo Analyzer offers different methods of clustering :

  • K-Means++
  • By propagation
  • By dendrogram

Matheo Analyzer offers MyAnalyzer, a customizable dashboard which permits to display and configure the most significant analyses.




From version 4.0 Matheo Analyzer possesses a configurable interface.


This interface leads to the current project information :

  • Number of documents
  • Type of documents and number of imported fields
  • Number of created field by the user
  • Detail of the fields contents

A setup menu offers all possible analyses based on the imported information.

The user can integrate analyses to the dashboard by selecting the analysis in a simple menu.


Each analysis contents remain configurable through this interface.


The dashboard also has a full text search engine on the imported information full text.


Scientific papers Analysis

Database source: PubMed (Medical Publishing)

Research topic: ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) année 2008

Analysis topic: main players of the field and field linked to ACL

Analyzed documents: 3099 scientific papers


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • The main countries about this topic
  • The most important authors of the field
  • The main research fields associated to the ACL
  • The major scientific journals in this field
  • The main research teams in this field (network of the main authors)


Patent analysis

Database sources: Espacenet (through a Matheo Patent export)

Research topic: Airbags

Analysis topic: which deposits on this topic, deposits strategy differentiation

Analyzed documents: 461 patents


Analysis presented on MyAnalyzer dashboard:

  • Patent application evolution per year
  • Main Applicants
  • Main technologies analyses (international patent classification – IPC)
  • Applicants technological strategy map (matrix Applicants / IPC)
  • Technologies trends (matrix IPC / publication date)

In a more complete version, those two studies are available downloading Matheo Analyzer trial version.




My Analyzer



Matheo Analyzer Interface



Pairs Representation



