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Nombre de brevets |
Forfait annuel en Euros/HT |
10 | 400 |
20 | 650 |
30 | 900 |
40 | 1150 |
50 | 1350 |
60 | 1600 |
70 | 1830 |
80 | 2070 |
100 | 2400 |
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Dernière mise à jour: 27/09/2016
Contenu des bases de données Matheo Patent Xe (Mise à jour hebdomadaire).
Granted Utility Model | 2009 | 2009 | 26-Oct-2009 | 26-Oct-2009 | |
AP - African Regional Industrial Property Organization | Patent | 1985 | 2016 | 03-Jul-1985 | 31-Jul-2016 |
Patent application filed | 1971 | 2016 | 07-Mar-1971 | 31-Jul-2016 | |
Utility model | 2002 | 2002 | 06-Jun-2002 | 06-Jun-2002 | |
AR - Argentina | Independent patent application | 1965 | 2016 | 11-Feb-1965 | 23-Mar-2016 |
Divisional patent application | 1991 | 2016 | 28-Feb-1991 | 23-Mar-2016 | |
Additional patent application | 1990 | 2016 | 31-May-1990 | 02-Mar-2016 | |
Independent utility model application | 1996 | 2016 | 20-Mar-1996 | 23-Mar-2016 | |
Divisional utility model application | 2013 | 2016 | 04-Dec-2013 | 20-Jan-2016 | |
Additional utility model application | 2000 | 2015 | 12-Apr-2000 | 09-Dec-2015 | |
Patent of importation | 1973 | 1991 | 08-Feb-1973 | 29-Nov-1991 | |
AT - Austria | Document laid open | 1914 | 2006 | 01-May-1914 | 15-Sep-2006 |
Publication of application with search report | 2005 | 2016 | 15-Oct-2005 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Publication of application without search report | 2005 | 2016 | 15-Oct-2005 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Search report | 2006 | 2016 | 15-Jan-2006 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Like A2, but published on same day as B1 doc. | 2005 | 2016 | 15-Dec-2005 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Publ. suppl. search report for int. appl. having entered | 2006 | 2016 | 15-Apr-2006 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page | 2006 | 2015 | 15-Apr-2006 | 15-May-2015 | |
Modified complete specification | 2007 | 2015 | 15-Jan-2007 | 15-Jan-2015 | |
Patent | 1899 | 2015 | 10-Jul-1899 | 15-Dec-2015 | |
Patent granted | 2005 | 2016 | 15-Dec-2005 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Publication of patent restricted after opposition | 2006 | 2013 | 15-Aug-2006 | 15-Nov-2013 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2000 | 2016 | 25-May-2000 | 15-May-2016 | |
Corrected complete granted patent | 2000 | 2016 | 26-Jun-2000 | 15-Apr-2016 | |
Design Patent | 2005 | 2005 | 15-Nov-2005 | 15-Nov-2005 | |
EP patent valid in AT | 1980 | 2012 | 15-Nov-1980 | 15-May-2012 | |
Utility model with search report | 1994 | 2016 | 26-Sep-1994 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Utility model without search report | 1994 | 2016 | 25-Jul-1994 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Search report only | 1994 | 2016 | 27-Dec-1994 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page utility model | 2001 | 2016 | 25-Apr-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Modified complete spec. utility model | 2002 | 2012 | 25-Apr-2002 | 15-Sep-2012 | |
AU - Australia | Open to public inspection | 1917 | 2010 | 14-Mar-1917 | 29-Apr-2010 |
Open to public inspection | 1967 | 2016 | 21-Sep-1967 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Amended post open to publ. inspec. | 2001 | 2016 | 20-Aug-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Petty patent application | 1985 | 1987 | 31-Jan-1985 | 02-Jul-1987 | |
Granted OPI Innovation Patent | 2001 | 2016 | 07-Jun-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Pre-grant OPI Innovation Patent | 2003 | 2007 | 28-Aug-2003 | 25-Oct-2007 | |
Amended post grant OPI | 2001 | 2016 | 06-Dec-2001 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page | 2001 | 2016 | 28-Jun-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete document | 2001 | 2016 | 16-Aug-2001 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Patent not preceeded by A-lapsed | 1937 | 2016 | 01-Sep-1937 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Patent preceeded by A | 1938 | 2016 | 07-Jun-1938 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Granted petty patent | 1979 | 2003 | 13-Sep-1979 | 05-Jun-2003 | |
Certified Innovation Patent | 2001 | 2016 | 02-Aug-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page of granted doc. | 2001 | 2016 | 07-Aug-2001 | 21-Jul-2016 | |
Corrected complete granted doc. | 2001 | 2016 | 03-Sep-2001 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Amended patent | 1990 | 2008 | 04-Jan-1990 | 14-Feb-2008 | |
Amended granted petty patent | 2001 | 2016 | 20-Aug-2001 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Amended certified innovat. Patent | 2003 | 2016 | 23-Oct-2003 | 04-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected amend. granted first page | 2003 | 2016 | 12-Jun-2003 | 21-Jan-2016 | |
Corrected amend. grant. compl. doc. | 2002 | 2016 | 26-Mar-2002 | 21-Apr-2016 | |
Patent application filed | 1994 | 2003 | 06-Jan-1994 | 28-Aug-2003 | |
Design | 1986 | 2006 | 09-Oct-1986 | 14-Jul-2006 | |
BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina | Patent application | 1998 | 2001 | 28-Dec-1998 | 14-Sep-2001 |
Patent right former SZP:010392 | 1998 | 1999 | 06-Mar-1998 | 02-Aug-1999 | |
Design Patent | 2000 | 2000 | 06-Nov-2000 | 06-Nov-2000 | |
BE - Belgium | Patent undefined | 1862 | 1997 | 15-Oct-1862 | 31-Aug-1997 |
Application for patent of invention | 1993 | 2012 | 26-Jan-1993 | 05-Jun-2012 | |
20 year patent-original text | 1925 | 1997 | 15-May-1925 | 03-Jun-1997 | |
20 year patent-modified text | 1927 | 1987 | 30-Apr-1927 | 01-Jul-1987 | |
AB with search report | 1933 | 2014 | 30-Dec-1933 | 02-Sep-2014 | |
AC with search report | 1926 | 2014 | 12-Jan-1926 | 02-Sep-2014 | |
20 year patent-modified claims | 1955 | 2014 | 28-Oct-1955 | 02-Sep-2014 | |
6 year patent-original text | 1987 | 2012 | 15-Oct-1987 | 04-Sep-2012 | |
6 year patent-modified text | 1931 | 2011 | 28-Nov-1931 | 11-Jan-2011 | |
Patent of importation | 1959 | 1985 | 16-Mar-1959 | 18-Nov-1985 | |
Second level after A3 | 1999 | 2011 | 06-Apr-1999 | 06-Dec-2011 | |
Second level after A5 | 1992 | 2013 | 14-Apr-1992 | 02-Jul-2013 | |
Second level after A6 | 1994 | 2005 | 03-Nov-1994 | 02-Aug-2005 | |
Patent ( 1 number for 2 applic.) | 1942 | 1942 | 31-Oct-1942 | 31-Oct-1942 | |
Patent of invention from EP in French | 1979 | 1988 | 07-Dec-1979 | 10-Aug-1988 | |
Patent of invention from EP in Dutch | 1980 | 1980 | 08-Feb-1980 | 12-Sep-1980 | |
BG - Bulgaria | Patent application laid open | 1993 | 2016 | 15-Jun-1993 | 29-Jul-2016 |
Inventor's certificate | 1973 | 2000 | 15-Feb-1973 | 31-May-2000 | |
Additional inventor's certificate | 1973 | 1993 | 15-Feb-1973 | 15-Jul-1993 | |
Parent patent | 1973 | 1993 | 15-Feb-1973 | 15-Nov-1993 | |
Additional Patent | 1973 | 1991 | 25-Apr-1973 | 15-Jan-1991 | |
Patent second level of publication | 1994 | 2016 | 15-Jul-1994 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Patent first level of publication | 1993 | 2006 | 30-Dec-1993 | 31-Jul-2006 | |
Utility model application laid open | 1994 | 2006 | 18-Jan-1994 | 31-Oct-2006 | |
Granted registered utility model | 2007 | 2016 | 31-Oct-2007 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Utility patent second level of publication | 1995 | 2007 | 31-Oct-1995 | 29-Jun-2007 | |
Utility patent first level of publication | 1994 | 2006 | 30-Sep-1994 | 31-Jan-2006 | |
BR - Brazil | Patent application | 1974 | 2016 | 18-Jul-1974 | 02-Feb-2016 |
Application for a patent of invention, published without search report | 2008 | 2016 | 11-Nov-2008 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page of application for a pipeline patent | 2013 | 2016 | 18-Jun-2013 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Granted patent | 2008 | 2008 | 22-Apr-2008 | 30-Dec-2008 | |
Granted divisional patent | 2002 | 2016 | 12-Nov-2002 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2012 | 2016 | 10-Jul-2012 | 23-Aug-2016 | |
Additional inventor's certificate | 1995 | 2015 | 17-Jan-1995 | 08-Sep-2015 | |
Second additional inventor's certificate | 2000 | 2015 | 21-Mar-2000 | 08-Sep-2015 | |
Third additional inventor's certificate | 2001 | 2012 | 09-Jan-2001 | 30-Oct-2012 | |
Fourth additional inventor's certificate | 2001 | 2009 | 12-Jun-2001 | 24-Nov-2009 | |
Fifth additional inventor's certificate | 2005 | 2010 | 11-Oct-2005 | 08-Jun-2010 | |
Sixth additional inventor's certificate | 2007 | 2010 | 04-Dec-2007 | 10-Aug-2010 | |
Seventh additional inventor's certificate | 2007 | 2007 | 04-Dec-2007 | 04-Dec-2007 | |
Eigth' additional inventor's certificate | 2008 | 2016 | 22-Apr-2008 | 12-Apr-2016 | |
Patent/Utility model filing | 1972 | 1976 | 25-Apr-1972 | 14-Feb-1976 | |
Application of certificate of addition of invention published without search report | 2008 | 2016 | 25-Nov-2008 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page specification of application of certificate of addition of invention | 2016 | 2016 | 05-Jan-2016 | 05-Jan-2016 | |
Granted certificate of addition of invention | 2012 | 2016 | 10-Jan-2012 | 09-Aug-2016 | |
Non-official translation of a divisional application for a patent of invention, not issued by patent office | 2003 | 2003 | 09-Sep-2003 | 09-Sep-2003 | |
Design application | 2013 | 2015 | 22-Oct-2013 | 11-Aug-2015 | |
Design patent | 2013 | 2015 | 08-Oct-2013 | 01-Sep-2015 | |
Utility model application | 1975 | 2009 | 05-Aug-1975 | 11-Aug-2009 | |
Divided utility model application published without search report | 2008 | 2016 | 11-Nov-2008 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page specification of a divided utility model application | 2015 | 2016 | 15-Sep-2015 | 19-Jul-2016 | |
Divided granted utility model | 2008 | 2016 | 21-Oct-2008 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page specification of a divided granted utility model | 2013 | 2016 | 19-Feb-2013 | 12-Jul-2016 | |
BY - Belarus | C1 | 1997 | 2013 | 30-Sep-1997 | 30-Dec-2013 |
U | 2005 | 2011 | 30-Dec-2005 | 30-Oct-2011 | |
CA - Canada | Patent (published before 1973) | 1869 | 1990 | 11-Aug-1869 | 09-Oct-1990 |
application laid open | 1985 | 2016 | 04-Jun-1985 | 10-Sep-2016 | |
Reissue of patent | 1973 | 1998 | 17-Apr-1973 | 10-Nov-1998 | |
Patent (published from 16-10-1990 onwards) | 1986 | 2016 | 11-Feb-1986 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
Reissue patent (first level) | 1990 | 2014 | 04-Dec-1990 | 23-Dec-2014 | |
Certificate for re-examined patent | 1990 | 2009 | 14-May-1990 | 28-Aug-2009 | |
Registered design | 1863 | 2016 | 18-May-1863 | 01-Sep-2016 | |
CH - Switzerland | Patent specification | 1888 | 1993 | 09-Jan-1888 | 31-Aug-1993 |
Patent application with search report | 2009 | 2016 | 15-Jun-2009 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Patent application without search report | 2009 | 2016 | 15-Jan-2009 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Document laid open (First level,searched and preliminary examination) | 1978 | 2016 | 29-Dec-1978 | 15-Mar-2016 | |
Document laid open ( First level, searched and preliminary examination) | 1962 | 1981 | 31-Jan-1962 | 15-Jul-1981 | |
Patent specification (Granted without preliminary examination) | 1974 | 2008 | 15-Apr-1974 | 25-Jun-2008 | |
Rectified first page of A document | 1996 | 2016 | 15-Aug-1996 | 15-Aug-2016 | |
Rectified A document | 1998 | 2015 | 31-Mar-1998 | 13-Mar-2015 | |
Patent with examination | 1974 | 1990 | 11-Apr-1974 | 28-Feb-1990 | |
Assigned patent | 2008 | 2016 | 31-Jul-2008 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Patent specification (Second level) | 1975 | 2000 | 28-Feb-1975 | 15-Nov-2000 | |
Rectified first page of B document | 2008 | 2016 | 15-Aug-2008 | 15-Aug-2016 | |
Rectified B document | 2009 | 2016 | 15-May-2009 | 13-May-2016 | |
Partial withdrawal of CH patent | 1994 | 2016 | 31-Aug-1994 | 30-Jun-2016 | |
Partial annulment of CH patent | 1998 | 2004 | 27-Feb-1998 | 13-Aug-2004 | |
Second partial withdrawal of CH patent | 2013 | 2013 | 31-Jul-2013 | 31-Jul-2013 | |
Partial withdrawal CH patent modified | 2001 | 2008 | 13-Jul-2001 | 15-Aug-2008 | |
Patent of addition | 1889 | 1908 | 21-Jan-1889 | 16-May-1908 | |
Partial withdrawal of CH/EP patent | 1998 | 2015 | 15-Jul-1998 | 13-Nov-2015 | |
Partial annulment of CH/EP patent | 1998 | 2016 | 30-Sep-1998 | 15-Jan-2016 | |
Second partial withdrawal of EP patent granted for Switzerland | 2013 | 2013 | 31-Jul-2013 | 31-Jul-2013 | |
Rectified H document | 2007 | 2007 | 30-Mar-2007 | 30-Mar-2007 | |
CL - Chile | Patent application | 2005 | 2016 | 07-Jan-2005 | 29-Jul-2016 |
Granted patent | 2005 | 2005 | 07-Jan-2005 | 03-Jun-2005 | |
Industrial design application | 2005 | 2016 | 07-Jan-2005 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
U1 | 2005 | 2016 | 07-Jan-2005 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Utility model | 2005 | 2005 | 18-Mar-2005 | 03-Jun-2005 | |
CN - China | Unexamined application for a patent for inv. | 1985 | 2016 | 10-Sep-1985 | 14-Sep-2016 |
Corrected first page of patent application | 2013 | 2016 | 31-Jul-2013 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected full specification of patent application | 2016 | 2016 | 20-Jul-2016 | 20-Jul-2016 | |
Examined application | 1985 | 2016 | 10-Sep-1985 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page of granted patent | 2016 | 2016 | 08-Jun-2016 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected full specification of granted patent | 2016 | 2016 | 08-Jun-2016 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Granted patent for invention | 1993 | 2010 | 06-Jan-1993 | 31-Mar-2010 | |
Non-official translation of CN - A document, not issued by patent office | 1995 | 2015 | 22-Feb-1995 | 05-Dec-2015 | |
Non-official translation of CN - B document, not issued by patent office | 2010 | 2013 | 29-Sep-2010 | 10-Apr-2013 | |
Non-official translation of CN - C document, not issued by patent office | 2005 | 2009 | 31-Aug-2005 | 26-Aug-2009 | |
Non-official translation of CN - U document, not issued by patent office | 1987 | 2014 | 25-Nov-1987 | 09-Jul-2014 | |
Non-official translation of CN - Y document, not issued by patent office | 1996 | 2009 | 04-Sep-1996 | 16-Dec-2009 | |
Design application | 2007 | 2015 | 21-Mar-2007 | 19-Aug-2015 | |
Registered utility model | 1985 | 2016 | 10-Sep-1985 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page of utility model | 2016 | 2016 | 08-Jun-2016 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected full specification of utility model | 2016 | 2016 | 08-Jun-2016 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Granted patent for utility model | 1993 | 2010 | 06-Jan-1993 | 31-Mar-2010 | |
CO - Colombia | Patent application | 1995 | 2016 | 13-Feb-1995 | 31-May-2016 |
Application derived from a PCT application | 2005 | 2015 | 28-Feb-2005 | 30-Nov-2015 | |
U | 2006 | 2006 | 31-May-2006 | 31-May-2006 | |
Utility model application | 2012 | 2016 | 17-Dec-2012 | 20-Jun-2016 | |
CR - Costa Rica | Patent application | 1988 | 2016 | 13-Jul-1988 | 29-Jul-2016 |
Industrial design application | 1996 | 2016 | 10-Apr-1996 | 28-Jul-2016 | |
Utility model application | 1996 | 2016 | 02-Jul-1996 | 21-Jul-2016 | |
CS - Czechoslovakia (up to 1993) | A | 1982 | 1987 | 26-Feb-1982 | 12-Jun-1987 |
Inventor's certificate application | 1982 | 1991 | 15-Sep-1982 | 15-Sep-1991 | |
Patent application | 1984 | 1991 | 16-Jan-1984 | 17-Dec-1991 | |
Application for Patent | 1991 | 1992 | 12-Feb-1991 | 28-Dec-1992 | |
Inventor's certificate | 1964 | 1992 | 15-Apr-1964 | 19-Feb-1992 | |
Basic patent | 1973 | 1992 | 22-Feb-1973 | 19-Feb-1992 | |
Additional inventor's certificate | 1973 | 1992 | 22-Feb-1973 | 10-Jun-1992 | |
Additional patent | 1973 | 1989 | 05-Jul-1973 | 13-Dec-1989 | |
Patent specification | 1957 | 1989 | 15-Aug-1957 | 25-Nov-1989 | |
Patent specification | 1991 | 1993 | 17-Dec-1991 | 17-Mar-1993 | |
Patent specification | 1911 | 1951 | 25-Aug-1911 | 15-Aug-1951 | |
CU - Cuba | All types of publications | 1968 | 1983 | 12-Mar-1968 | 26-Dec-1983 |
Author's certificate | 1983 | 2012 | 05-May-1983 | 15-Apr-2012 | |
Author's certificate of addition | 1982 | 2009 | 28-Mar-1982 | 28-May-2009 | |
Certificate of patent of invention | 1983 | 2012 | 04-Oct-1983 | 15-Oct-2012 | |
Author's certificate, mutual recognition from USSR | 1994 | 1994 | 28-Mar-1994 | 28-Mar-1994 | |
Application for Author's certificate for pharmaceutical products | 2010 | 2012 | 11-Nov-2010 | 15-Apr-2012 | |
Application for patent of invention for pharmaceutical products | 2005 | 2016 | 19-Oct-2005 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
B1 | 2012 | 2016 | 15-Oct-2012 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Author's certificate for pharmaceutical products | 2009 | 2012 | 20-Feb-2009 | 15-Mar-2012 | |
Certificate for patent of invention for pharmaceutical products | 2007 | 2012 | 30-Aug-2007 | 15-Apr-2012 | |
Abstract | 1968 | 1983 | 11-Nov-1968 | 04-Oct-1983 | |
S4 | 2013 | 2016 | 31-May-2013 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
S6 | 2013 | 2016 | 27-Dec-2013 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
U | 2014 | 2014 | 29-Jan-2014 | 29-Jan-2014 | |
CY - Cyprus | Patent | 1921 | 1998 | 06-May-1921 | 20-Feb-1998 |
Granted patent | 1998 | 2010 | 30-Apr-1998 | 22-Dec-2010 | |
Granted patent ( second level) | 2009 | 2013 | 04-Nov-2009 | 13-Mar-2013 | |
Translation of EP granted patent | 2012 | 2016 | 26-Sep-2012 | 22-Jun-2016 | |
CZ - Czech Republic | Application for patent | 1993 | 2016 | 13-Jan-1993 | 10-Aug-2016 |
Patent specification | 1993 | 2016 | 17-Mar-1993 | 10-Aug-2016 | |
Non-official translation of CZ - U document, not issued by patent office | 2000 | 2000 | 14-Apr-2000 | 14-Apr-2000 | |
Utility model | 1992 | 2016 | 16-Dec-1992 | 10-Aug-2016 | |
DD - German Democratic Republic | A | 1955 | 1992 | 18-Aug-1955 | 12-Mar-1992 |
Prov. econ. patent (Hauptpatent) | 1952 | 1996 | 08-May-1952 | 08-Feb-1996 | |
Prov. econ. patent (additional) | 1960 | 1996 | 21-Apr-1960 | 08-Feb-1996 | |
Economic patent | 1951 | 1991 | 14-Jun-1951 | 08-May-1991 | |
Economic patent (additional) | 1963 | 1992 | 17-Apr-1963 | 14-May-1992 | |
Patent applications incomplete treatm.) | 1953 | 1998 | 12-Jan-1953 | 01-Oct-1998 | |
Prov. excl. patent (additional) | 1973 | 1984 | 12-Feb-1973 | 26-Sep-1984 | |
Exclusive patent | 1953 | 1999 | 09-Feb-1953 | 22-Apr-1999 | |
Exclusive patent (additional) | 1953 | 1994 | 06-Aug-1953 | 03-Nov-1994 | |
Doc. laid open (First publication) | 1993 | 1995 | 22-Apr-1993 | 02-Nov-1995 | |
Economic patent (Sect. 18 (1)) | 1957 | 1994 | 31-May-1957 | 07-Apr-1994 | |
Granted patents ( with sub. exam.) | 1974 | 1992 | 12-Aug-1974 | 07-May-1992 | |
Exclusive patent (Sect. 18 (1)) | 1980 | 1995 | 26-Nov-1980 | 07-Sep-1995 | |
Doc. laid open (Second publication) | 1987 | 2003 | 09-Sep-1987 | 07-Aug-2003 | |
Economic patent (Sect. 19) | 1978 | 1992 | 26-Apr-1978 | 02-Jul-1992 | |
Economic patent (Sect. 19) | 1985 | 2002 | 18-Dec-1985 | 24-Jan-2002 | |
Doc. laid open (third publication) | 1992 | 1992 | 04-Jun-1992 | 04-Jun-1992 | |
Transl. under Havana agreement | 1998 | 1998 | 10-Jun-1998 | 10-Jun-1998 | |
Utility model | 1956 | 1961 | 16-Jul-1956 | 24-Jun-1961 | |
DE - Germany | Doc. laid open (First publication) | 1966 | 2016 | 23-Oct-1966 | 22-Sep-2016 |
Reference to international publication in German | 2007 | 2016 | 03-May-2007 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page | 2004 | 2016 | 19-May-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete specification | 2004 | 2016 | 22-Jul-2004 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Auslegeschrift | 1921 | 1996 | 21-Dec-1921 | 26-Jan-1996 | |
Doc. laid open (First publication) | 1958 | 1982 | 18-Sep-1958 | 24-Jun-1982 | |
Doc. laid open (Second publication) | 1969 | 1987 | 20-Feb-1969 | 19-Feb-1987 | |
Patent (First publication) | 2004 | 2016 | 08-Jan-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Patent (Second publication) | 2004 | 2016 | 08-Jan-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page (granted patent) | 2004 | 2016 | 09-Jun-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corr. compl. spec. (granted patent) | 2004 | 2016 | 29-Apr-2004 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Patent | 1877 | 1983 | 01-Jan-1877 | 05-May-1983 | |
Patent specification (First publication) | 1970 | 2003 | 12-Mar-1970 | 24-Dec-2003 | |
Patent specification (Second publication) | 1954 | 2003 | 22-Aug-1954 | 24-Dec-2003 | |
Patent specification (Third publication) | 1970 | 2003 | 03-Dec-1970 | 24-Dec-2003 | |
Patent specification ( Fourth publication ) | 1992 | 2000 | 16-Jul-1992 | 27-Jul-2000 | |
Revised patent | 2004 | 2016 | 15-Jan-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corr. first page revised patent | 2006 | 2015 | 26-Jan-2006 | 10-Sep-2015 | |
Corr. complete spec. revised patent | 2004 | 2016 | 14-Oct-2004 | 21-Jul-2016 | |
Granted EP number in Bulletin | 1971 | 2011 | 18-Mar-1971 | 16-Jun-2011 | |
Granted PCT number in Bulletin | 1980 | 2006 | 13-Nov-1980 | 28-Dec-2006 | |
Application suppl. protection certificate | 2000 | 2012 | 05-Jan-2000 | 20-Sep-2012 | |
Granted suppl. protection certificate | 2000 | 2012 | 13-Jan-2000 | 13-Sep-2012 | |
T | 1980 | 1993 | 05-May-1980 | 23-Sep-1993 | |
Trans. of EP claims (EPTD) | 1983 | 2016 | 05-Jan-1983 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Trans. of EP patent | 1987 | 2014 | 17-Dec-1987 | 10-Apr-2014 | |
Trans. of EP patent after modification | 1996 | 2016 | 19-Dec-1996 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Trans. of corrected EP patent | 1993 | 2015 | 06-May-1993 | 26-Nov-2015 | |
Trans. of publ. of international application | 1981 | 2016 | 08-Jan-1981 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corr. first page translated EP/WO patent | 2004 | 2016 | 09-Jun-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Corr. compl. spec. transl. EP/WO patent | 2004 | 2016 | 22-Jul-2004 | 22-Sep-2016 | |
Utility model | 1928 | 1992 | 26-Jun-1928 | 02-Jan-1992 | |
Utility model | 1976 | 2016 | 13-Jan-1976 | 18-Aug-2016 | |
Corr. first page utility model | 2004 | 2016 | 15-Jan-2004 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Corr. compl.spec. utlity model | 2004 | 2016 | 04-Nov-2004 | 18-Aug-2016 | |
DK - Denmark | Patent application made available to the public | 1949 | 2014 | 22-Aug-1949 | 01-Oct-2014 |
A1 | 2012 | 2016 | 25-Dec-2012 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
A8 | 2015 | 2016 | 18-May-2015 | 18-Jan-2016 | |
A9 | 2015 | 2016 | 19-Jan-2015 | 04-Jul-2016 | |
Document laid open to public inspection | 1968 | 1997 | 29-Apr-1968 | 03-Mar-1997 | |
Patent specification | 1984 | 2016 | 07-Mar-1984 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Patent specification amended after opposition | 1996 | 2011 | 20-May-1996 | 28-Mar-2011 | |
Patent specification amended after administrative reexam. | 1982 | 2016 | 18-Oct-1982 | 15-Aug-2016 | |
Granted and amended | 2015 | 2016 | 18-May-2015 | 04-Apr-2016 | |
Granted and amended | 2015 | 2015 | 12-Jan-2015 | 27-Jul-2015 | |
Patent specification | 1895 | 2004 | 25-Mar-1895 | 28-Jun-2004 | |
Patent application filed | 1973 | 1993 | 06-Sep-1973 | 23-Dec-1993 | |
Non-official translation of DK - A document, not issued by patent office | 2001 | 2001 | 02-Apr-2001 | 02-Apr-2001 | |
Patent application | 1992 | 2012 | 10-Apr-1992 | 08-Dec-2012 | |
Translations of claims into Danish of European patent application | 1994 | 2016 | 19-Sep-1994 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
European patent specification with English or Danish description and Danish claims | 1990 | 2016 | 01-Aug-1990 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Amended European patent specification with English or Danish description and Danish claims | 1996 | 2016 | 05-Feb-1996 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected transl. of European patent specification with English or Danish description and Danish claims | 1994 | 2016 | 22-Aug-1994 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
European patent specification with English or Danish description and limited Danish claims | 2014 | 2016 | 01-Dec-2014 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Utility model application made available to the public | 1996 | 2016 | 06-Sep-1996 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model specification | 1992 | 2016 | 28-Aug-1992 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model specification, reg. utility model with exam. | 1992 | 2016 | 27-Nov-1992 | 24-Jun-2016 | |
Utility model specification | 2013 | 2016 | 25-Oct-2013 | 12-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model specification, reg. utility model with exam. | 1992 | 2016 | 27-Nov-1992 | 10-Jun-2016 | |
Amended registered utility model | 1992 | 2005 | 28-Aug-1992 | 25-Nov-2005 | |
Amended registered utility model with examination | 1992 | 2014 | 11-Sep-1992 | 12-Sep-2014 | |
Utility model specification, reg. utility model with exam. | 2005 | 2007 | 23-Sep-2005 | 23-Feb-2007 | |
DO - Dominican Republic | Patent application | 1964 | 2016 | 10-May-1964 | 30-Jun-2016 |
Industrial design application | 2005 | 2016 | 14-Jun-2005 | 30-Jun-2016 | |
Utility model application | 2001 | 2016 | 31-Dec-2001 | 15-Feb-2016 | |
Patent of invention | 2000 | 2005 | 28-Sep-2000 | 08-Oct-2005 | |
EA - Eurasian Patent Office | Publication of application with search report | 1996 | 2016 | 31-Dec-1996 | 31-Aug-2016 |
Publication of application without search report | 1996 | 2016 | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Publication of search report | 1996 | 2016 | 01-Oct-1996 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Modified first page | 2009 | 2016 | 30-Dec-2009 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Modified complete specification | 2016 | 2016 | 29-Apr-2016 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Patent | 1997 | 2016 | 31-Mar-1997 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Amended specification of an Eurasian patent | 2006 | 2012 | 24-Feb-2006 | 28-Dec-2012 | |
New specification after limitation procedure | 2014 | 2016 | 30-Jul-2014 | 29-Apr-2016 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2012 | 2016 | 30-Mar-2012 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Corrected complete granted patent | 2007 | 2016 | 27-Feb-2007 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
EC - Ecuador | Patent application | 1990 | 2015 | 01-Oct-1990 | 29-May-2015 |
Industrial design application | 1990 | 2015 | 29-Oct-1990 | 29-May-2015 | |
Utility model application | 1990 | 2015 | 01-Oct-1990 | 30-Apr-2015 | |
EE - Estonia | Published patent application | 1995 | 2016 | 15-Dec-1995 | 15-Aug-2016 |
Granted patent | 1996 | 2016 | 15-Feb-1996 | 15-Aug-2016 | |
Amended granted patent (first) | 2015 | 2015 | 16-Feb-2015 | 15-Jun-2015 | |
Registered utility model | 1994 | 2016 | 17-Oct-1994 | 15-Aug-2016 | |
Registered utility model, description modified (first) | 1996 | 2000 | 15-Oct-1996 | 17-Jul-2000 | |
Registered utility model, description modified (second) | 1999 | 1999 | 15-Jul-1999 | 15-Jul-1999 | |
EG - Egypt | Patent for invention / Patent of addition | 1976 | 2016 | 31-Jan-1976 | 23-Jun-2016 |
A2 | 2014 | 2014 | 14-Apr-2014 | 14-Apr-2014 | |
EP - European Patent Office | Application published with search report | 1978 | 2016 | 20-Dec-1978 | 21-Sep-2016 |
Application published without search report | 1978 | 2016 | 20-Dec-1978 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Search report | 1979 | 2016 | 10-Jan-1979 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Supplementary search report | 1980 | 2016 | 09-Jan-1980 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page | 1997 | 2016 | 17-Sep-1997 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Modified complete specification | 2001 | 2016 | 14-Mar-2001 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Patent specification | 1980 | 2016 | 09-Jan-1980 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
New patent specification | 1983 | 2016 | 24-Aug-1983 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
After limitation procedure | 2008 | 2016 | 23-Jul-2008 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2001 | 2016 | 11-Apr-2001 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete granted patent | 2001 | 2016 | 14-Mar-2001 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
ES - Spain | Pat. application published with search report | 1919 | 2016 | 16-May-1919 | 14-Sep-2016 |
Certificate of addition | 1930 | 2016 | 01-Jan-1930 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Patent of importation | 1930 | 1989 | 01-Jan-1930 | 16-Oct-1989 | |
Translation of the claims with drawings of European applications | 1987 | 1991 | 01-Aug-1987 | 01-Aug-1991 | |
Patent of addition | 1977 | 2008 | 01-Mar-1977 | 01-Aug-2008 | |
Modified first page patent application | 2011 | 2016 | 31-Jan-2011 | 13-Apr-2016 | |
Corrected complete patent application | 2011 | 2016 | 21-Mar-2011 | 09-Aug-2016 | |
Patent published with search report | 1993 | 2016 | 16-Aug-1993 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Patent published after examination | 1996 | 2016 | 01-Jan-1996 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Translation of granted European patent | 1988 | 1992 | 09-Mar-1988 | 16-Mar-1992 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2011 | 2016 | 07-Feb-2011 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected complete granted patent | 2011 | 2016 | 24-Feb-2011 | 22-Jun-2016 | |
D | 1960 | 1960 | 16-Jan-1960 | 16-Jan-1960 | |
Patent application filed | 1972 | 1992 | 16-Mar-1972 | 16-Oct-1992 | |
Privilege of invention | 1828 | 1893 | 27-Feb-1828 | 03-Apr-1893 | |
Privilege of importation | 1827 | 1883 | 14-Mar-1827 | 25-Apr-1883 | |
Non-official translation of ES-A document, not issued by patent office | 1999 | 2006 | 16-Nov-1999 | 16-Aug-2006 | |
Separately published search report | 1993 | 2011 | 16-Apr-1993 | 07-Apr-2011 | |
R1 | 2013 | 2016 | 25-Feb-2013 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
R2 | 2013 | 2016 | 04-Apr-2013 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Transl. of the claims with drawings of European applications (former A4) | 1992 | 2016 | 01-Apr-1992 | 19-Aug-2016 | |
Revised translation of the claims and drawings in European applications | 1997 | 1997 | 01-Jan-1997 | 01-Nov-1997 | |
Translation of granted European patent (former B3) | 1992 | 2016 | 01-Apr-1992 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Revised translation of granted European patent | 1992 | 2016 | 01-Nov-1992 | 09-Sep-2016 | |
Translation of modified European patent | 1989 | 2016 | 01-May-1989 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Translation of a PCT International application | 1996 | 2006 | 16-Jun-1996 | 16-Feb-2006 | |
T7 | 2013 | 2016 | 21-Jan-2013 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Modified first page of translated European patent application | 2011 | 2016 | 18-Jan-2011 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete translated European patent application | 2011 | 2016 | 25-Feb-2011 | 01-Sep-2016 | |
Utility model application | 1929 | 2016 | 16-Oct-1929 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Same as an U document but for duplicated dossiers | 1995 | 1996 | 01-Sep-1995 | 01-Dec-1996 | |
Modified first page utility model | 2011 | 2016 | 03-Jan-2011 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete specification utlity model | 2011 | 2016 | 24-Feb-2011 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Same as an A1 document but for duplicated dossiers | 1951 | 1964 | 16-Dec-1951 | 01-Dec-1964 | |
Same as A3 document but for duplicated dossiers | 1959 | 1959 | 01-Oct-1959 | 01-Oct-1959 | |
Utility model | 1930 | 2016 | 16-Feb-1930 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Same as an Y document but for duplicated dossiers | 1971 | 1996 | 01-Jul-1971 | 01-Dec-1996 | |
FI - Finland | Patent application made available to the public | 1842 | 2016 | 29-Jun-1842 | 31-Aug-2016 |
Patent application filed | 1978 | 2011 | 09-May-1978 | 31-Oct-2011 | |
Granted patent | 1943 | 1968 | 31-Dec-1943 | 11-Mar-1968 | |
Granted patent | 1922 | 1943 | 18-Jul-1922 | 10-Mar-1943 | |
Examined application | 1968 | 2016 | 31-May-1968 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected granted patent with 9 months opposition period | 1997 | 2014 | 15-Jul-1997 | 15-Jul-2014 | |
Amended granted patent after opposition procedure | 2002 | 2015 | 06-Feb-2002 | 31-Dec-2015 | |
Granted patent after limitation | 2012 | 2014 | 13-Mar-2012 | 15-Jul-2014 | |
Granted patent | 1968 | 2005 | 31-Aug-1968 | 07-Jul-2005 | |
Abstract published | 1974 | 2010 | 26-Jul-1974 | 30-Sep-2010 | |
Industrial design | 2012 | 2012 | 20-Sep-2012 | 20-Sep-2012 | |
T3 | 2004 | 2004 | 30-Jan-2004 | 30-Jan-2004 | |
Utility model application filed | 1992 | 2011 | 02-Jan-1992 | 31-Oct-2011 | |
Utility model granted | 1992 | 2016 | 03-Feb-1992 | 27-Jul-2016 | |
FR - France | Patent of invention | 1855 | 1981 | 27-Feb-1855 | 14-Aug-1981 |
Application for patent of invention, (first publication.) | 1965 | 2016 | 10-Dec-1965 | 16-Sep-2016 | |
Appl. for cert. of addition to a patent, (first publication.) | 1969 | 2007 | 05-Sep-1969 | 14-Sep-2007 | |
Application for certificate of utility model,( first publication.) | 1969 | 2016 | 12-Sep-1969 | 16-Sep-2016 | |
Appl. for a cert.of add. to a cert. of utility, (first publication) | 1973 | 1989 | 12-Oct-1973 | 22-Sep-1989 | |
Patent of invention, (first and only publication) | 1969 | 1981 | 26-Sep-1969 | 27-Nov-1981 | |
Cert. of addition to a patent of inv., (first and only publication.) | 1969 | 1980 | 29-Aug-1969 | 09-May-1980 | |
Certificate of utility (first and only publication) | 1969 | 1982 | 02-Aug-1969 | 07-May-1982 | |
Cert. of addition to a cert. of util. (first and only publication.) | 1971 | 1979 | 30-Apr-1971 | 13-Apr-1979 | |
B | 1993 | 1993 | 19-Feb-1993 | 26-Mar-1993 | |
Patent of invention (second publication) | 1972 | 2016 | 03-Nov-1972 | 16-Sep-2016 | |
Cert. of addition to a pat. of inv. (second publication) | 1973 | 2001 | 12-Jan-1973 | 31-Aug-2001 | |
Certificate of utility (second publication.) | 1973 | 2016 | 12-Jan-1973 | 16-Sep-2016 | |
Certificate of add. to a cert. of utility (second publication) | 1973 | 1990 | 11-May-1973 | 08-Jun-1990 | |
Certificate of addition to a patent of invention | 1902 | 1978 | 12-Sep-1902 | 03-Nov-1978 | |
Certtificate of addition to a special patent for medicament | 1961 | 1973 | 03-Mar-1961 | 27-Jul-1973 | |
Special patent for medicament | 1956 | 1973 | 21-Mar-1956 | 27-Jul-1973 | |
Translation of European Patent Application | 2004 | 2007 | 27-Aug-2004 | 20-Jul-2007 | |
GB - United Kingdom | Patent specification | 1782 | 2016 | 04-Jul-1782 | 21-Sep-2016 |
Corrected first page published application | 1962 | 2016 | 09-Mar-1962 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected complete published application | 1968 | 2016 | 08-Apr-1968 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Amended patent specification | 1947 | 2016 | 05-Nov-1947 | 21-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected first page patent specification | 1995 | 2016 | 26-Jun-1995 | 14-Sep-2016 | |
Amended or corrected patent specification | 1990 | 2016 | 23-Nov-1990 | 24-Aug-2016 | |
"Complete re-issue of a re-issued granted ""C"" specification " | 1997 | 2016 | 09-Apr-1997 | 24-Aug-2016 | |
"Complete re-issue of a re-issued granted ""C2"" specification " | 2007 | 2016 | 30-May-2007 | 30-Mar-2016 | |
Patent application filed | 1983 | 2016 | 09-Feb-1983 | 20-Jul-2016 | |
Granted patent | 2002 | 2012 | 30-Oct-2002 | 14-Nov-2012 | |
GE - Georgia | Imported patent application (first publication) | 2006 | 2010 | 10-Apr-2006 | 12-Jul-2010 |
Imported patent (second publication) | 1999 | 2016 | 05-Nov-1999 | 27-Jun-2016 | |
Patent for utility model (first and only publication) | 2004 | 2010 | 10-Feb-2004 | 12-Jul-2010 | |
Patent for utility model ( second publication) | 2000 | 2016 | 10-Jan-2000 | 25-May-2016 | |
GR - Greece | Patent application | 1988 | 2016 | 16-Dec-1988 | 28-Jun-2016 |
Patent | 1920 | 2016 | 10-Dec-1920 | 30-May-2016 | |
B7 | 1977 | 1980 | 05-Jul-1977 | 31-Oct-1980 | |
Transl. of EP claims | 1988 | 2002 | 18-Oct-1988 | 31-Jan-2002 | |
Transl. of EP patent | 1989 | 2002 | 29-Sep-1989 | 22-Mar-2002 | |
Utility model application | 1990 | 2016 | 19-Jan-1990 | 28-Jun-2016 | |
Utility model patent | 1988 | 2016 | 10-Aug-1988 | 30-May-2016 | |
GT - Guatemala | Patent application / divisional patent application | 1961 | 2016 | 30-Dec-1961 | 17-Jun-2016 |
Industrial design application / divisional industrial design application | 1972 | 2016 | 03-Feb-1972 | 28-Mar-2016 | |
Utility model application / divisional utility model application | 1986 | 2015 | 29-Oct-1986 | 01-Dec-2015 | |
HK - Hong Kong | UK patents registered | 1976 | 2012 | 05-Mar-1976 | 03-Feb-2012 |
Granted standard patent | 1997 | 2016 | 03-Oct-1997 | 09-Sep-2016 | |
Granted short term patent | 1998 | 2016 | 01-May-1998 | 09-Sep-2016 | |
HN - Honduras | Patent application | 1996 | 2015 | 19-Jan-1996 | 12-Oct-2015 |
Industrial design application | 1996 | 2015 | 05-Feb-1996 | 29-Jun-2015 | |
Utility model application | 1996 | 2015 | 12-May-1996 | 03-Aug-2015 | |
HR - Croatia | Publication of application without search report | 1994 | 2016 | 30-Apr-1994 | 09-Sep-2016 |
Corrected front page of HR - A document | 2007 | 2016 | 31-Mar-2007 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Complete reprint of a HR-A document | 2007 | 2015 | 31-Mar-2007 | 25-Sep-2015 | |
Consensual patent | 1995 | 2016 | 31-Dec-1995 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Short term Consensual patent | 2005 | 2016 | 28-Feb-2005 | 12-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected front page of a Consensual patent | 2008 | 2016 | 31-Mar-2008 | 26-Feb-2016 | |
Complete reprint of a Consensual patent | 2011 | 2011 | 31-Jan-2011 | 31-Jan-2011 | |
Corrected front page of a HR-B document | 2007 | 2016 | 31-Mar-2007 | 25-Mar-2016 | |
Complete re-print of a HR-B document | 2007 | 2014 | 31-Mar-2007 | 07-Nov-2014 | |
Converted Consensual patent | 2005 | 2016 | 28-Feb-2005 | 12-Aug-2016 | |
Translation of the claims of an EP patent into Croatian | 2009 | 2016 | 31-May-2009 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected translation of the claims of an EP patent into Croatian | 2009 | 2016 | 31-Jul-2009 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
Translation of an EP patent into Croatian | 2007 | 2009 | 31-Mar-2007 | 31-Dec-2009 | |
Translation of the claims of an amended EP patent into Croatian after opposition (EPO) | 2011 | 2016 | 31-Mar-2011 | 12-Aug-2016 | |
Corrected translation of an EP patent into Croatian | 2007 | 2012 | 31-Aug-2007 | 31-Jul-2012 | |
Corrected front page of a HR-T document | 2007 | 2016 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2016 | |
HU - Hungary | Laid open patent application with complete examination | 1970 | 2003 | 02-Mar-1970 | 01-Jan-2003 |
Patent application with search report | 1993 | 2000 | 01-Mar-1993 | 28-Dec-2000 | |
Patent application without search report | 1985 | 2016 | 28-Jan-1985 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Separately published search report | 1994 | 2016 | 28-Oct-1994 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Transitional (pipeline) patent application | 1995 | 1996 | 28-Feb-1995 | 28-Mar-1996 | |
Patent specification | 1913 | 2002 | 07-Jul-1913 | 28-Nov-2002 | |
Patent specification | 2002 | 2016 | 28-Jan-2002 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Patent application filed | 1990 | 2011 | 28-Jan-1990 | 28-Feb-2011 | |
Plant patent application | 2008 | 2008 | 28-Mar-2008 | 28-Mar-2008 | |
Translation of complete European patent application | 2007 | 2007 | 01-Mar-2007 | 01-Mar-2007 | |
Registered utility model | 1992 | 2016 | 28-Aug-1992 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model application filed | 1992 | 2011 | 28-Mar-1992 | 28-Feb-2011 | |
ID - Indonesia | Patent application | 1988 | 2002 | 26-Nov-1988 | 03-Jan-2002 |
Patent | 1992 | 1996 | 29-Jul-1992 | 30-Oct-1996 | |
Simple patent | 1996 | 2001 | 22-Jul-1996 | 27-Dec-2001 | |
IE - Ireland | Patent application specification as filed | 1990 | 2016 | 14-Mar-1990 | 07-Sep-2016 |
Short term patent application | 1993 | 2016 | 13-Jan-1993 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Patent specification | 1956 | 1981 | 31-Dec-1956 | 09-Sep-1981 | |
Patent granted | 1945 | 2016 | 02-May-1945 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Short term patent | 1993 | 2016 | 13-Jan-1993 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Separately published abstract | 1930 | 2000 | 03-Jan-1930 | 13-Dec-2000 | |
IL - Israel | Application of patent for invention | 1968 | 2016 | 25-Jan-1968 | 31-Aug-2016 |
Patent application filed | 1968 | 2016 | 20-Jun-1968 | 02-Aug-2016 | |
IN - India | A | 2004 | 2016 | 04-Dec-2004 | 15-Jan-2016 |
B | 1912 | 2016 | 05-Feb-1912 | 01-Jan-2016 | |
IS - Iceland | A | 1925 | 2016 | 26-Sep-1925 | 22-Apr-2016 |
Patent application made available to the public | 1926 | 1993 | 17-Mar-1926 | 24-Jun-1993 | |
Patent specification | 1992 | 2016 | 24-Apr-1992 | 15-May-2016 | |
Amended patent specification after opposition | 2002 | 2006 | 20-Sep-2002 | 14-Jul-2006 | |
Amended patent specification after limitation requested | 2011 | 2014 | 15-Jan-2011 | 15-Oct-2014 | |
Patent specification | 1925 | 1991 | 01-Apr-1925 | 31-Dec-1991 | |
IT - Italy | A | 1937 | 1967 | 11-Dec-1937 | 15-Feb-1967 |
Application for patent of invention | 1953 | 2015 | 19-May-1953 | 15-Jul-2015 | |
Application also filed as utility | 1993 | 2001 | 18-Oct-1993 | 26-Feb-2001 | |
Application transformed | 1997 | 2001 | 25-Aug-1997 | 16-Apr-2001 | |
Patent for invention | 1921 | 2011 | 28-Nov-1921 | 13-Apr-2011 | |
Granted patent | 1987 | 2015 | 10-Jun-1987 | 19-Jun-2015 | |
Filing application | 1978 | 2006 | 02-Jan-1978 | 28-Sep-2006 | |
K2 | 2009 | 2009 | 05-Jan-2009 | 05-Jan-2009 | |
Translated published patent application | 1999 | 2011 | 23-Aug-1999 | 29-Nov-2011 | |
Translated granted patent | 1998 | 1998 | 22-Sep-1998 | 22-Sep-1998 | |
Translated utility model application | 1999 | 1999 | 23-Jul-1999 | 22-Dec-1999 | |
Application for patent of utility model | 1986 | 2015 | 05-May-1986 | 01-Jul-2015 | |
Utility model application also filed as patent application | 1992 | 2001 | 11-Aug-1992 | 09-May-2001 | |
Application transformed | 1991 | 2002 | 18-Apr-1991 | 20-Jun-2002 | |
Utility model application | 1978 | 2003 | 02-Jan-1978 | 04-Nov-2003 | |
Granted utility model application | 1992 | 2014 | 10-Nov-1992 | 10-Mar-2014 | |
Patent for utility model | 1978 | 2008 | 12-May-1978 | 24-Nov-2008 | |
B | 1971 | 2016 | 10-Oct-1971 | 15-Mar-2016 | |
JP - Japan | Published unexamined patent application | 1968 | 2016 | 03-Dec-1968 | 08-Sep-2016 |
Domestic re-publication of PCT application | 1994 | 2016 | 03-Mar-1994 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Published examined patent application | 1993 | 1993 | 02-Sep-1993 | 02-Sep-1993 | |
Published examined patent application (First level) | 1855 | 2016 | 29-Aug-1855 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Published examined patent application (Second level) | 1973 | 2016 | 14-Jun-1973 | 07-Sep-2016 | |
Patent specification ( First level) | 1928 | 1950 | 26-Oct-1928 | 20-Jul-1950 | |
Patent specification (Second level) | 1930 | 1956 | 30-May-1930 | 31-May-1956 | |
Non-official translation of JP - A document, not issued by patent office | 1961 | 2014 | 05-Mar-1961 | 21-Apr-2014 | |
Non-official translation of JP - B document, not issued by patent office | 1954 | 2013 | 07-Dec-1954 | 05-Jul-2013 | |
Non-official translation of JP - U document, not issued by patent office | 1972 | 2008 | 12-Oct-1972 | 08-Jan-2008 | |
Non-official translation of JP - Y document, not issued by patent office | 1966 | 1998 | 12-Dec-1966 | 02-Apr-1998 | |
Registered design publication | 1962 | 2016 | 26-Jan-1962 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Publication of disagreed consultation on design application | 2016 | 2016 | 30-May-2016 | 20-Jun-2016 | |
Published registered utility model | 1971 | 2016 | 13-Sep-1971 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
U3 | 1996 | 2000 | 17-Dec-1996 | 28-Jul-2000 | |
Published examined utility model application ( First level) | 1936 | 1995 | 01-Jan-1936 | 21-Jun-1995 | |
Published examined utility model application ( Second level) | 1972 | 2007 | 13-Nov-1972 | 24-Jan-2007 | |
Registered utility model specification ( First level) | 1913 | 1944 | 06-Feb-1913 | 15-Apr-1944 | |
Registered utility model specification ( Second level) | 1934 | 1956 | 24-Dec-1934 | 04-Jun-1956 | |
KE - Kenya | Patent | 1975 | 1989 | 11-Jul-1975 | 01-Sep-1989 |
Patent (1 number for 2 applics.) | 1977 | 1987 | 21-Oct-1977 | 27-Nov-1987 | |
C1 | 2002 | 2011 | 30-Mar-2002 | 30-Aug-2011 | |
KR - South Korea | Official gazette of the unexamined patents | 1980 | 2016 | 30-May-1980 | 31-Aug-2016 |
Patent specification | 1970 | 2016 | 20-Aug-1970 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Non-official translation of KR - A document, not issued by patent office | 1998 | 2015 | 25-Nov-1998 | 23-Jul-2015 | |
Non-official translation of KR - B document, not issued by patent office | 1995 | 2014 | 22-May-1995 | 07-May-2014 | |
K5 | 1993 | 2006 | 15-Dec-1993 | 11-Dec-2006 | |
Design | 2000 | 2005 | 15-Jun-2000 | 22-Sep-2005 | |
Official gazette of the unexamined utility models | 1983 | 2016 | 25-Jan-1983 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model specification | 1978 | 2016 | 10-Jan-1978 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
KZ - Kazakhstan | A | 1999 | 2010 | 15-Apr-1999 | 15-Oct-2010 |
A4 | 2008 | 2013 | 17-Nov-2008 | 15-Jul-2013 | |
B | 1993 | 2012 | 10-Dec-1993 | 16-Apr-2012 | |
LT - Lithuania | Patent application | 1994 | 2016 | 25-Mar-1994 | 12-Sep-2016 |
Patent specification | 1992 | 2016 | 15-Oct-1992 | 12-Sep-2016 | |
LU - Luxembourg | A | 1946 | 1988 | 17-Dec-1946 | 03-May-1988 |
Patent appl. with search report | 1933 | 2016 | 03-Nov-1933 | 25-Jul-2016 | |
Patent appl. without search report | 1998 | 2016 | 05-Oct-1998 | 11-Jul-2016 | |
Additional certificate | 1947 | 1999 | 21-Oct-1947 | 24-Jun-1999 | |
Patent applic. (1 number for 2 applics.) | 1952 | 1984 | 08-Jul-1952 | 22-Oct-1984 | |
Supplementary protection certificate | 1994 | 2016 | 03-Feb-1994 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
LV - Latvia | Patent application | 1994 | 2016 | 10-Mar-1994 | 20-May-2016 |
Reregistered patents (importation ?) | 1993 | 1998 | 10-Jun-1993 | 10-Mar-1998 | |
Pat. Appl. under agreement LV - USA | 1995 | 1998 | 20-Aug-1995 | 20-Sep-1998 | |
Patent publication | 1994 | 2016 | 20-Oct-1994 | 20-May-2016 | |
Patent under agreement LV - USA | 1996 | 1998 | 20-Feb-1996 | 20-Nov-1998 | |
MA - Morocco | Patent of invention | 1977 | 2016 | 06-Jul-1977 | 31-May-2016 |
A2 | 2015 | 2016 | 30-Jan-2015 | 31-Mar-2016 | |
A3 | 2015 | 2015 | 30-Sep-2015 | 30-Sep-2015 | |
Granted patent | 2007 | 2016 | 02-Jan-2007 | 29-Apr-2016 | |
MC - Monaco | Patent of invention | 1957 | 2016 | 13-Dec-1957 | 15-Apr-2016 |
Certificate of addition | 1958 | 2009 | 11-Mar-1958 | 14-Oct-2009 | |
MD - Moldova | Published non-examined patent applic | 1994 | 2010 | 30-Sep-1994 | 31-Dec-2010 |
Patent application published before 18 months | 2013 | 2016 | 31-Oct-2013 | 31-Mar-2016 | |
Patent application published with search report | 2012 | 2013 | 30-Nov-2012 | 31-May-2013 | |
Patent application published without search report | 2011 | 2016 | 31-Jan-2011 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Separately published search report | 2013 | 2016 | 31-May-2013 | 30-Jun-2016 | |
Modified complete specification | 2015 | 2015 | 31-Mar-2015 | 30-Jun-2015 | |
Granted patent | 1994 | 2016 | 31-Jan-1994 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Granted patent amended after opposition or appeal | 1995 | 2015 | 31-Mar-1995 | 31-Aug-2015 | |
Issued patent | 2010 | 2016 | 31-Dec-2010 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Issued patent amended after opposition or appeal | 2010 | 2010 | 31-Dec-2010 | 31-Dec-2010 | |
Published unexamined plant variety patent application | 2003 | 2004 | 28-Feb-2003 | 30-Jun-2004 | |
Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, not preceeded by A publication | 1994 | 2010 | 30-Sep-1994 | 26-Feb-2010 | |
Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, preceeded by A publication | 1995 | 2010 | 30-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2010 | |
Published examined plant variety patent application | 2003 | 2003 | 31-Aug-2003 | 31-Aug-2003 | |
Unexamined patent specification granted under the applicant's reponsibility, preceeded by F1 or F2 publication | 1997 | 2011 | 31-Aug-1997 | 31-Jul-2011 | |
Corrected first page G1 or G2 | 2016 | 2016 | 31-Aug-2016 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Unexamined application for utility model | 1994 | 2009 | 31-Oct-1994 | 28-Feb-2009 | |
Short-term patent application | 2015 | 2016 | 31-Dec-2015 | 31-Jul-2016 | |
Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, not preceeded by U publication | 1995 | 2009 | 30-Jan-1995 | 31-May-2009 | |
Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, preceeded by U publication | 1995 | 2009 | 30-Jan-1995 | 28-Feb-2009 | |
Granted short-term patent of invention | 2009 | 2016 | 31-Jan-2009 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Published examined utility model application, not preceeded by U publication | 1994 | 2009 | 31-Aug-1994 | 31-May-2009 | |
Published examined utility model application, preceeded by U publication | 1999 | 2009 | 30-Aug-1999 | 31-May-2009 | |
Issued short-term patent for invention | 2010 | 2016 | 31-Dec-2010 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Registered utility model preceeded by Y1 or Y2 | 2007 | 2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | |
Patent application | 2010 | 2011 | 10-Feb-2010 | 20-Dec-2011 | |
MN - Mongolia | Inventor's certificate | 1972 | 1983 | 20-Nov-1972 | 25-Oct-1983 |
Inventor's certificate of addition | 1984 | 1989 | 15-Feb-1984 | 15-Jun-1989 | |
A | 2004 | 2004 | 15-Oct-2004 | 15-Oct-2004 | |
Patent application | 1968 | 1992 | 25-Jun-1968 | 08-May-1992 | |
Patent application | 1973 | 1994 | 09-May-1973 | 12-Oct-1994 | |
MX - Mexico | Patent application | 1980 | 2016 | 14-Oct-1980 | 02-Jun-2016 |
Granted patent/ granted utility model | 1982 | 2016 | 09-Dec-1982 | 29-Jan-2016 | |
Certificate of invention | 1980 | 1991 | 02-Jan-1980 | 27-Jun-1991 | |
MY - Malaysia | Granted patent / Utility model | 1953 | 2016 | 31-Dec-1953 | 30-Aug-2016 |
U | 1996 | 1996 | 30-Mar-1996 | 30-Mar-1996 | |
Patent of invention | 2003 | 2009 | 05-Nov-2003 | 24-Mar-2009 | |
NL - Netherlands | Patent application | 1924 | 2016 | 17-Feb-1924 | 25-Aug-2016 |
Registered specification laid open | 1995 | 2010 | 18-May-1995 | 16-Feb-2010 | |
Published patent application | 1913 | 2003 | 01-Jul-1913 | 01-Aug-2003 | |
B1 | 2015 | 2015 | 06-Oct-2015 | 26-Nov-2015 | |
Patent | 1913 | 2015 | 07-May-1913 | 27-Aug-2015 | |
Patent without search report - 6 year | 1995 | 2009 | 18-May-1995 | 08-Dec-2009 | |
Patent with search report - 20 year | 1995 | 2010 | 18-May-1995 | 30-Mar-2010 | |
Modified first page | 2002 | 2002 | 10-Jan-2002 | 10-Dec-2002 | |
Suppl. protection certificate application | 1993 | 2016 | 16-Feb-1993 | 09-Feb-2016 | |
Granted suppl. protection certificate | 1993 | 2016 | 01-Jul-1993 | 01-Sep-2016 | |
Non-official translation of NL - A document, not issued by patent office | 1985 | 1995 | 16-Sep-1985 | 01-Nov-1995 | |
T | 1981 | 1981 | 03-Aug-1981 | 03-Aug-1981 | |
NO - Norway | Patent application made available to the public | 1968 | 2016 | 01-Jul-1968 | 17-Aug-2016 |
Document laid open for public inspection | 1966 | 1997 | 08-Dec-1966 | 07-Jul-1997 | |
Granted patents | 1991 | 2016 | 27-Mar-1991 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Granted after opposition | 1997 | 2016 | 24-Nov-1997 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Granted with admin. limitation | 1993 | 2016 | 25-Aug-1993 | 25-Jan-2016 | |
Granted patent | 1909 | 2004 | 19-Jan-1909 | 15-Jan-2004 | |
Patent application filed | 1986 | 2005 | 01-Apr-1986 | 09-Dec-2005 | |
Suppl. protection certificate application | 2004 | 2016 | 05-Jan-2004 | 29-Aug-2016 | |
Granted suppl. protection certificate | 2004 | 2016 | 01-Jun-2004 | 22-Aug-2016 | |
Abstract | 1998 | 1998 | 30-Jan-1998 | 30-Jan-1998 | |
Patent application | 1978 | 2016 | 06-Mar-1978 | 26-Aug-2016 | |
OA - African Intellectual Property Organization | Patent of invention | 1966 | 2007 | 15-Jan-1966 | 13-Apr-2007 |
Additon for patent of invention | 1966 | 1971 | 15-Jan-1966 | 24-Dec-1971 | |
PA - Panama | Patent application | 1996 | 2010 | 20-May-1996 | 27-Jul-2010 |
Divisional patent application | 2001 | 2001 | 30-Apr-2001 | 30-Apr-2001 | |
PE - Peru | Patent application | 1992 | 2015 | 19-Apr-1992 | 31-Dec-2015 |
Utility model application | 1995 | 2015 | 09-Jan-1995 | 29-Dec-2015 | |
PH - Philippines | Patent for invention (first and only publ.) | 1975 | 1999 | 03-Jul-1975 | 02-Jun-1999 |
A1 | 2003 | 2016 | 18-Mar-2003 | 25-Apr-2016 | |
B1 | 1999 | 2015 | 05-Jul-1999 | 19-Oct-2015 | |
U1 | 2014 | 2016 | 15-Sep-2014 | 25-Apr-2016 | |
Y1 | 2014 | 2016 | 02-Jul-2014 | 18-Mar-2016 | |
Z | 1981 | 1997 | 02-Dec-1981 | 23-Dec-1997 | |
PL - Poland | Application | 1977 | 2016 | 26-Sep-1977 | 12-Sep-2016 |
Application for provisional patent | 1978 | 1994 | 24-Apr-1978 | 13-Jun-1994 | |
Application for additional patent | 1979 | 2016 | 05-Nov-1979 | 16-Aug-2016 | |
Application for additional provisional patent | 1980 | 1993 | 02-Jan-1980 | 25-Jan-1993 | |
Spec. of principle inventor's certificate | 1973 | 1976 | 28-Feb-1973 | 30-Jun-1976 | |
Spec. of addition to inventor's certificate | 1973 | 1975 | 28-Feb-1973 | 31-Dec-1975 | |
Patent | 1930 | 2016 | 30-Oct-1930 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Provisional patent | 1974 | 1994 | 10-Jun-1974 | 29-Apr-1994 | |
Additional patent | 1973 | 2016 | 28-Feb-1973 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Provisional additional patent | 1977 | 1993 | 31-Oct-1977 | 30-Sep-1993 | |
Polish translation of the European patent | 2007 | 2012 | 30-Apr-2007 | 30-Nov-2012 | |
Application for utility model | 1993 | 2016 | 23-Aug-1993 | 12-Sep-2016 | |
Application for additional. utility model | 1996 | 2004 | 08-Jan-1996 | 29-Nov-2004 | |
Specification for uility model | 1996 | 2016 | 31-Jan-1996 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Specification for addition of utility model | 1996 | 2001 | 31-Dec-1996 | 30-Nov-2001 | |
PT - Portugal | Application for patent of invention | 1972 | 2016 | 01-Jul-1972 | 30-Jun-2016 |
Application for certificate of addition to a patent of invention | 1971 | 1994 | 01-Nov-1971 | 28-Feb-1994 | |
Patent of invention | 1976 | 2016 | 12-Mar-1976 | 20-Jun-2016 | |
Certificate of addition to a patent of invention | 1979 | 1999 | 19-Dec-1979 | 31-May-1999 | |
D | 1977 | 1998 | 01-Jul-1977 | 31-Aug-1998 | |
Availibilty of national translation of European patent | 2000 | 2016 | 28-Apr-2000 | 24-Jun-2016 | |
Application for a utility model | 1992 | 2016 | 31-Jan-1992 | 28-Jun-2016 | |
Application for a utility model | 1967 | 2016 | 23-Jun-1967 | 20-Jun-2016 | |
Granted PCT patent valid in PT | 2006 | 2016 | 30-Nov-2006 | 08-Jun-2016 | |
EP patent valid in PT as utility model | 1969 | 2015 | 13-Feb-1969 | 30-Jul-2015 | |
RO - Romania | Patent application published without search report | 1907 | 1994 | 08-Jan-1907 | 28-Nov-1994 |
"Patent application published 18 months after the filing or priority date or within 6 months after entering national phase" | 2008 | 2016 | 28-Nov-2008 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Patent application published with search report | 2011 | 2016 | 30-Mar-2011 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Inventor's certificate | 1973 | 2016 | 20-Jan-1973 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Addition to inventor's certificate | 1973 | 2016 | 20-Jan-1973 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
"Patent application published within 3 months after the secrecy status | 2016 | 2016 | 29-Apr-2016 | 30-Jun-2016 | |
A7 | 1973 | 1989 | 20-Aug-1973 | 28-Apr-1989 | |
Patent application with corrections in the front page of the document | 2011 | 2016 | 30-Mar-2011 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Patent application with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings | 2016 | 2016 | 30-May-2016 | 30-May-2016 | |
Patent specification | 1981 | 2004 | 22-Mar-1981 | 30-Jan-2004 | |
Patent | 1983 | 2016 | 30-Jan-1983 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Patent in the amended form subsequently to the revocation procedure | 2012 | 2013 | 28-Feb-2012 | 28-Feb-2013 | |
Patent with corrections in the front page of the document | 2011 | 2016 | 30-Mar-2011 | 30-Mar-2016 | |
"Patent with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings, where the document was partly or fully reprinted" | 2011 | 2014 | 28-Jan-2011 | 28-Nov-2014 | |
Granted patent after revocation (first publ.) | 2002 | 2002 | 30-Jul-2002 | 30-Jul-2002 | |
Non-official translation of RO - B document, not issued by patent office | 2009 | 2009 | 30-Jun-2009 | 30-Jun-2009 | |
Utility model certificate published together with the search report | 2011 | 2016 | 28-Jan-2011 | 30-Aug-2016 | |
Utility model certificate published without the search report | 2011 | 2016 | 30-May-2011 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Search report published subsequently to the utility model | 2015 | 2016 | 29-May-2015 | 30-Jun-2016 | |
Utility model with corrected first page | 2013 | 2015 | 30-Jan-2013 | 30-Oct-2015 | |
RS - Serbia | Laid open patent application | 2006 | 2011 | 27-Oct-2006 | 31-Dec-2011 |
Patent application published with search report | 2012 | 2016 | 31-Aug-2012 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Patent application published without search report | 2012 | 2016 | 29-Feb-2012 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Separately published search report | 2012 | 2016 | 31-Aug-2012 | 29-Feb-2016 | |
Patent Specification | 2006 | 2015 | 27-Oct-2006 | 27-Feb-2015 | |
B1 | 2015 | 2016 | 27-Feb-2015 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Petty patent | 2006 | 2014 | 27-Oct-2006 | 31-Dec-2014 | |
U1 | 2015 | 2016 | 27-Feb-2015 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
RU - Russia | Application for invention | 1995 | 2016 | 10-Nov-1995 | 27-Aug-2016 |
Modified first page application for invention | 2006 | 2011 | 10-May-2006 | 10-Jan-2011 | |
Patent | 1975 | 2016 | 25-Apr-1975 | 20-Aug-2016 | |
Patent for invention | 1993 | 2016 | 15-Feb-1993 | 20-Aug-2016 | |
Patent for invention ( second publication) | 1995 | 2016 | 10-Oct-1995 | 20-Aug-2016 | |
Modified first page granted patent | 2006 | 2008 | 27-Dec-2006 | 10-Jan-2008 | |
Reprinted granted patent | 2005 | 2016 | 10-May-2005 | 20-Aug-2016 | |
Non-official translation of RU - A document, not issued by patent office | 2009 | 2013 | 20-Apr-2009 | 10-Feb-2013 | |
Non-official translation of RU - C document, not issued by patent office | 1994 | 2013 | 15-Jun-1994 | 27-Jan-2013 | |
Design patent | 1994 | 2009 | 25-May-1994 | 16-Apr-2009 | |
Certificate for utility model | 1994 | 2016 | 25-Jun-1994 | 20-Aug-2016 | |
Modified first page utility model | 2005 | 2016 | 10-May-2005 | 27-Jul-2016 | |
SE - Sweden | Patent application made available to the public | 1948 | 2010 | 13-Jul-1948 | 05-Mar-2010 |
Patent application made available to the public | 1969 | 2010 | 01-Mar-1969 | 15-Oct-2010 | |
Patent application | 2009 | 2016 | 01-Dec-2009 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected patent application | 2010 | 2016 | 26-Feb-2010 | 23-Mar-2016 | |
A3 | 2015 | 2016 | 20-Jan-2015 | 05-Apr-2016 | |
Document laid open for public inspection | 1966 | 2008 | 07-Jun-1966 | 29-Apr-2008 | |
Patent specification | 1960 | 2008 | 21-Jul-1960 | 16-Sep-2008 | |
Patent specification (first level) | 1888 | 1973 | 07-Jul-1888 | 03-Apr-1973 | |
Patent specification | 1994 | 2016 | 21-Mar-1994 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Patent specification, corrected document republished | 1993 | 2016 | 05-Mar-1993 | 24-May-2016 | |
Patent specification, corrected document republished | 1998 | 1999 | 10-Feb-1998 | 22-Oct-1999 | |
Corrected first page of patent specification | 2008 | 2015 | 08-Jan-2008 | 22-Sep-2015 | |
Patent application filed | 1973 | 2005 | 30-Nov-1973 | 11-Jan-2005 | |
Amended patent specification ( publication of revised claims after objection) | 1998 | 2016 | 02-Oct-1998 | 20-May-2016 | |
Amended patent specification (amendment of E, amended document republished) | 2002 | 2002 | 26-Nov-2002 | 26-Nov-2002 | |
Limited patent specification ( amendment of C2 or E, republished with revised claims after objection) | 2007 | 2012 | 19-Sep-2007 | 27-Nov-2012 | |
Non-official translation of SE - C document, not issued by patent office | 2002 | 2002 | 22-Jan-2002 | 22-Jan-2002 | |
Abstract available to the public | 1971 | 2010 | 04-Jan-1971 | 22-Jul-2010 | |
SG - Singapore | A | 2010 | 2016 | 28-Oct-2010 | 30-Aug-2016 |
Patent Application | 1990 | 2014 | 17-Aug-1990 | 13-Feb-2014 | |
Transitional patent application | 1995 | 1995 | 18-Aug-1995 | 01-Sep-1995 | |
UK patents registered | 1983 | 1995 | 25-Feb-1983 | 22-Dec-1995 | |
SI - Slovenia | Patent | 1992 | 2016 | 27-Nov-1992 | 31-Aug-2016 |
Patent of addition | 1993 | 2003 | 30-Jun-1993 | 30-Jun-2003 | |
Short term patent | 1992 | 2016 | 31-Dec-1992 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Conversion patent | 1994 | 1998 | 31-Dec-1994 | 30-Jun-1998 | |
Amended claims | 1998 | 2016 | 30-Jun-1998 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Translation of EP claims | 1997 | 2016 | 31-Oct-1997 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Translation of amended claims | 1999 | 2016 | 30-Jun-1999 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
SK - Slovakia | Application published | 1993 | 2016 | 07-Jul-1993 | 05-Sep-2016 |
Patent | 1993 | 2016 | 08-Dec-1993 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Registered utility model | 2007 | 2007 | 03-May-2007 | 03-May-2007 | |
Published utility model application | 2008 | 2016 | 07-Apr-2008 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Registered utility model unamended | 2009 | 2016 | 07-Jan-2009 | 05-Sep-2016 | |
Registered utility model changed | 2009 | 2016 | 07-Jan-2009 | 01-Jul-2016 | |
SM - San Marino | Publication of application / publication of application for PCT transfers | 2000 | 2015 | 16-Feb-2000 | 05-May-2015 |
Granted patent / Granted patent for PCT / EP transfers | 2000 | 2016 | 16-Feb-2000 | 31-Aug-2016 | |
Application of design / model ( first publication) | 2001 | 2016 | 05-Apr-2001 | 01-Jul-2016 | |
Granted design / model (second publication) | 2001 | 2016 | 05-Apr-2001 | 25-Feb-2016 | |
Application of design / model, (multiple application) ( first publication) | 2006 | 2012 | 15-Nov-2006 | 18-Jan-2012 | |
Granted design / model, (multiple application ), ( second publication) | 2006 | 2012 | 15-Nov-2006 | 18-Jan-2012 | |
Revalidation design / model | 2001 | 2001 | 30-Apr-2001 | 30-Apr-2001 | |
SU - Soviet Union (USSR) | A | 1965 | 1990 | 07-Jul-1965 | 15-Aug-1990 |
Description of the invention for an inventor's certificate | 1919 | 2011 | 28-Feb-1919 | 10-Nov-2011 | |
Description of the inv. for an inventor's certificate of add. | 1939 | 2008 | 30-Nov-1939 | 10-Dec-2008 | |
Description of the invention for a patent | 1940 | 2000 | 31-Oct-1940 | 20-Jul-2000 | |
Description of the invention for a patent of addition | 1974 | 1992 | 25-Feb-1974 | 07-Jul-1992 | |
Non-official translation of SU - A document, not issued by patent office | 1973 | 1993 | 21-Jun-1973 | 15-Aug-1993 | |
Translated document | 1983 | 1991 | 15-Feb-1983 | 07-Oct-1991 | |
Patent application | 1970 | 2015 | 10-Mar-1970 | 17-Aug-2015 | |
Patent application | 1996 | 2012 | 10-Sep-1996 | 06-Mar-2012 | |
TJ - Tajikistan | Patent application | 1998 | 2007 | 28-Oct-1998 | 05-Jun-2007 |
Granted patent (Second level) | 1996 | 2007 | 16-Jul-1996 | 16-Jul-2007 | |
Granted patent ( Third level) | 2003 | 2003 | 31-Mar-2003 | 31-Mar-2003 | |
Reregistration of SU patent | 1998 | 2003 | 28-Oct-1998 | 28-Jul-2003 | |
Utility model | 1998 | 2005 | 14-Nov-1998 | 06-May-2005 | |
Petty patent | 2005 | 2012 | 14-Jul-2005 | 28-Mar-2012 | |
Application for a patent of invention | 1990 | 2016 | 01-Jan-1990 | 30-Mar-2016 | |
TR - Turkey | Specification of invention for a patent | 1973 | 1997 | 01-Jan-1973 | 23-Sep-1997 |
Patent application with search report | 1996 | 2013 | 21-Oct-1996 | 21-Mar-2013 | |
Patent application without search report | 1996 | 2013 | 21-Jun-1996 | 22-Aug-2013 | |
Search report | 1996 | 2008 | 21-Jun-1996 | 21-Mar-2008 | |
Granted patent | 2015 | 2015 | 21-May-2015 | 21-May-2015 | |
Translation of WO with search report | 1997 | 2013 | 21-Mar-1997 | 21-Jan-2013 | |
Transl. of WO without search report | 1998 | 2013 | 21-Jul-1998 | 21-Jan-2013 | |
Transl. EP claims | 2002 | 2005 | 21-Jan-2002 | 21-Sep-2005 | |
Transl. EP B documents | 2004 | 2005 | 21-Jan-2004 | 21-Mar-2005 | |
Utility model | 1996 | 2013 | 21-Jun-1996 | 21-Jan-2013 | |
Utility model application PCT route phase 1 | 2000 | 2013 | 21-Jul-2000 | 21-Jan-2013 | |
Utility model application PCT route phase 2 | 2001 | 2012 | 21-May-2001 | 21-Feb-2012 | |
Granted utility model | 2003 | 2008 | 21-Feb-2003 | 21-Mar-2008 | |
Granted patent | 1994 | 1995 | 16-Jun-1994 | 08-Dec-1995 | |
TW - Taiwan | Laid open application for patent or patent of addition | 2003 | 2016 | 01-May-2003 | 16-Jun-2016 |
Granted patent or patent of addition | 1991 | 2016 | 21-Jan-1991 | 21-Jun-2016 | |
Non-official translation of TW - A document, not issued by patent office | 2007 | 2013 | 01-Jan-2007 | 16-Apr-2013 | |
Non-official translation of TW - B document, not issued by patent office | 2001 | 2007 | 21-Feb-2001 | 21-Sep-2007 | |
Non-official translation of TW - U document, not issued by patent office | 2006 | 2011 | 01-Oct-2006 | 11-Aug-2011 | |
Registered industrial design | 2010 | 2010 | 01-Jul-2010 | 01-Jul-2010 | |
Registered utility model or utility model of addition | 1991 | 2016 | 01-Aug-1991 | 01-Aug-2016 | |
UA - Ukraine | Declarative patent spec. for invention | 1998 | 2007 | 30-Apr-1998 | 26-Nov-2007 |
Patent granted after re-reg. of USSR inv. cert. | 1987 | 2007 | 07-Jan-1987 | 25-Apr-2007 | |
Patent granted upon pos. decision of USSR | 1999 | 1999 | 29-Dec-1999 | 29-Dec-1999 | |
"Patent granted upon the USSR appl.,for which no pos. dec. made | 1998 | 2016 | 30-Oct-1998 | 25-Aug-2016 | |
Declarative / patent spec. for utility model | 2000 | 2016 | 16-Oct-2000 | 25-Aug-2016 | |
US - United States | Patent | 1836 | 2000 | 01-Jan-1836 | 26-Dec-2000 |
First published patent application | 2001 | 2016 | 15-Mar-2001 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Republished patent application | 2002 | 2016 | 11-Apr-2002 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
Corrected patent application | 2002 | 2016 | 11-Jul-2002 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
B | 1990 | 1991 | 23-Jan-1990 | 15-Oct-1991 | |
Granted patent as first publication | 1961 | 2016 | 04-Apr-1961 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Granted patent as second publication | 1984 | 2016 | 11-Sep-1984 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam. | 1996 | 1999 | 31-Dec-1996 | 30-Nov-1999 | |
Reexamination | 2001 | 2012 | 02-Jan-2001 | 01-May-2012 | |
Reexamination | 2001 | 2002 | 27-Mar-2001 | 10-Sep-2002 | |
Design reissue | 1839 | 2016 | 23-Apr-1839 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Reissue | 2001 | 2016 | 02-Jan-2001 | 23-Aug-2016 | |
Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | 1982 | 2002 | 03-Aug-1982 | 13-Aug-2002 | |
Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | 1997 | 1997 | 07-Jan-1997 | 07-Jan-1997 | |
Statutory invention registration (SIR) | 1985 | 2001 | 03-Dec-1985 | 06-Mar-2001 | |
Statutory invention registration (SIR) | 2001 | 2014 | 02-Jan-2001 | 02-Sep-2014 | |
Patent Pre-1836 | 1790 | 1866 | 31-Jul-1790 | 05-Jun-1866 | |
Add. improvement (1838-1868) | 1855 | 1855 | 10-Apr-1855 | 10-Apr-1855 | |
Defensive publication | 1968 | 1988 | 10-Dec-1968 | 05-Jul-1988 | |
Patent applic publ. within the TVPP | 1975 | 1976 | 28-Jan-1975 | 20-Apr-1976 | |
Plant patents | 1931 | 2001 | 18-Aug-1931 | 23-Jan-2001 | |
First published plant patent application | 2001 | 2016 | 02-Aug-2001 | 08-Sep-2016 | |
First published granted plant patent | 2001 | 2016 | 02-Jan-2001 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Second publ. granted plant patent | 2002 | 2016 | 02-Apr-2002 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Design patent | 1865 | 2016 | 12-Sep-1865 | 13-Sep-2016 | |
Design patent | 1941 | 2016 | 08-Apr-1941 | 06-Sep-2016 | |
UY - Uruguay | Patent application | 2009 | 2016 | 10-Nov-2009 | 29-Jul-2016 |
Patent application (First publication level) | 2000 | 2009 | 23-Feb-2000 | 30-Sep-2009 | |
Divisional application (First publication level) | 2001 | 2008 | 31-Jul-2001 | 03-Jul-2008 | |
Revalidation application (First publication level) | 2005 | 2005 | 31-Jan-2005 | 31-Jan-2005 | |
Industrial design application | 2002 | 2013 | 31-Jan-2002 | 31-Dec-2013 | |
S | 2013 | 2016 | 28-Jun-2013 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
Utility model application | 2002 | 2016 | 31-Jan-2002 | 29-Jul-2016 | |
UZ - Uzbekistan | B | 1997 | 2002 | 30-Dec-1997 | 28-Jun-2002 |
C | 2002 | 2011 | 28-Jun-2002 | 29-Jul-2011 | |
U | 2009 | 2010 | 30-Jan-2009 | 30-Apr-2010 | |
VN - Vietnam | Patent | 1986 | 2015 | 22-Dec-1986 | 26-Jan-2015 |
Inventor's certificate | 1984 | 1991 | 06-Jul-1984 | 25-Apr-1991 | |
Utility model | 1989 | 1996 | 24-Sep-1989 | 25-Oct-1996 | |
WO - World | International application published with international search report | 1978 | 2016 | 19-Oct-1978 | 15-Sep-2016 |
International application published with declaration under Article 17 (2) (a) | 1978 | 2016 | 07-Dec-1978 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Later publication of ISR with revised front page | 1979 | 2016 | 08-Feb-1979 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Later publication of amended claims and / or statement (Article 19) revised front page | 2008 | 2016 | 31-Dec-2008 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
International application republished with corrections to front page bibliographic data | 1988 | 2016 | 25-Aug-1988 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Complete corrected document | 1998 | 2016 | 11-Sep-1998 | 15-Sep-2016 | |
Amended claims | 1998 | 2008 | 01-Oct-1998 | 24-Dec-2008 | |
B8 | 2005 | 2005 | 14-Apr-2005 | 15-Sep-2005 | |
Non-official translation of WO - A document, not issued by patent office | 1995 | 2016 | 26-May-1995 | 14-Jan-2016 | |
YU - Yugoslavia | Application for Inventor's certificate | 1973 | 2006 | 28-Feb-1973 | 17-Aug-2006 |
Patent specification ( second level ) | 1964 | 2006 | 30-Sep-1964 | 17-Aug-2006 | |
Petty patent | 1997 | 2006 | 08-Jan-1997 | 17-Aug-2006 | |
ZA - South Africa | B | 1968 | 2015 | 06-Sep-1968 | 25-Nov-2015 |
Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.) | 1975 | 2010 | 29-Jan-1975 | 24-Feb-2010 | |
ZM - Zambia | Patent application | 1968 | 1994 | 16-Oct-1968 | 25-May-1994 |
Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.) | 1986 | 1991 | 29-Sep-1986 | 30-Aug-1991 | |
ZW - Zimbabwe | Patent of invention | 1980 | 1994 | 03-Sep-1980 | 28-Dec-1994 |